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Saturday, July 12, 2014

welcome! and 1960's photos + Biblical inspiration

 welcome! here are a few pics from our family's Iowa City Years (most of the 1960's)...I was born there myself in were my older brother and sister...while my dad was starting out as a CRC pastor (Christian Reformed Church)...around 1970 we moved back to Grand Rapids (Michigan) where we stayed for all of the 70's and half of the 80's at which time we moved to southern California where I remain today (come & go)...albeit didn't actually spend much time here until late 1990' which time I started semi-residence here..; but this is about Iowa, not California...and if you can do the math you can figure I can't remember much personally about the Iowa years apart from what I see in the photos . Nonetheless, I cherish the Iowa City years and will always 
have a bit of Iowa in my heart & soul.

 this is actually in Long Island (NY)...where we took a vacation

 also a few of the early Michigan years got mixed in here...but most are Iowa

 here's the church !

 it's a BOY !

"If, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life."
Romans 5:10
grandpa Kok (yellow shirt) visits us in Iowa father like son, my late grandpa & my dad were/are both CRC Pastors...and I'm a pastor/evangelist too...albeit never got to the point of being ordained by the CRC...I'm satisfied to be ordained by God alone !

below: JD White  was my "sidekick" & partner in crime.....he lived next door
to us on Meadow street...
we got in trouble together...

"I, even I, am the Lord, & apart from Me there is no savior. I have revealed & saved & proclaimed -- I, & not some foreign God among you. You are my witnesses," declares the Lord, "that I am God."
Isaiah 43:11-12